Yep, here you go ........ Big Daddy D and Big Daddy D JR.
You got some cray cray sculptures right here.
Over the top.
Wow factor galore.
Can you believe these sculptures.
Nope, nothing like them in the world.
Why not own them? You can!
Sure conversation pieces.
None of your friends or acquaintances will every forget them.
Ha - no way!
These two sculptures really make a smile come to your face.
They are both Harley riders and play in a heavy metal band together.
This is a VERY heavy sculptures that are stable and well built.
Call me to discuss them. I look forward to talking to you.
If you would like different colors, I can do that. Commission one, or two, or ten.
And don't forget, I will attend the unveiling party that you have to show off your playful, full of fun and life... "BIG DADDY D" and "BIG DADDY D JR" sculptures. It will be fun. I'll represent you well.
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